New member
Okay, we all know Skeppy went on vacation and just came back after months. We can all agree that staff took a vacation too or at least it looks like it. Now PLEASE, please fix your Survival server! There's like 1-2 staff on once a week that do nothing. Since the end of December this server only averages 30-45 players a day. People are constantly spamming end portal, scamming one another, and it's just pure chaos. I don't know what you all are doing as staff but if you can't at least stay on 3-5+ hours a week then why be staff? Is your excuse, "I have a life?" Well guess what, retire as staff and find someone who can moderate and develop a server better than you.
Thanks for reading my forum, if it upsets you go cry about it and retire.
Thanks for reading my forum, if it upsets you go cry about it and retire.