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Important Tips to avoid being "false" banned.

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New member
Hello, I am making this thread in the wake of the recent ban waves on Invaded. This thread is a guide and PSA to everyone on some steps you can take to prevent yourself from being banned. I would like to preface this by saying that I am not an anti-cheat developer, nor do I know the slightest thing about the InvadedLands anti-cheat. I am simply making this thread to try and prevent bans using the knowledge I have.

Mouse Issues
One reason that can lead to bans is having a mouse that double/triple clicks. One of the most popular gaming mice, the glorious model o, is notorious for this. Even without macros set in the model o software, this mouse can double/triple click on its own with low debounce time. A great way to prevent this is by raising the debounce time within the software, or not taking your finger off the left click button when clicking, as fast, light taps are what causes double clicks to happen. This can apply to other mice that have a tendency to double click. I recommend everyone to research their mouse a bit to see if it has a tendency to double click, as this is a likely reason for bans.

Clicking Methods

An increasingly popular clicking method known as drag clicking is not allowed on InvadedLands. Let me repeat that, DRAG CLICKING IS NOT ALLOWED ON INVADEDLANDS. I see many people online on KitPVP talk about how they can "Drag click 20cps" or whatnot. While many servers, such as hypixel allow drag clicking, InvadedLands does not allow it, as they consider it an unfair advantage. This has not always been the case, as the rules updated in September to make drag clicking bannable. I believe many people are banned by the anticheat, and don't even realize they were breaking a rule. If you drag click, I highly recommend you stop, and stick to a safer clicking method like butterfly or jitter clicking.

Some mods are known to flag the anticheat, these can be avoided by sticking to mods which can be found in The Allowed mods/clients thread. I would not reccomend using ANY mod that is not on this list. Even if it is part of a client you are using. Mods like this, even if they don't make a notable change in-game, may flag the anti-cheat. An example of this was Skyblock Addons, a mod for hypixel skyblock that somehow flagged the anticheat and caused false bans. There could be many unknown examples of this, so I highly reccomend clearing your mods folder, and making sure that the mods you have enabled are all on the list above. I have a friend named BlitzDuelz that was banned on Invaded multiple times for a random mod in his folder, it is worth a look.

The majority of Invaded players use Lunar client, this client is safe for the most part, and rarely causes false bans, however they still do occur (Usually for one of the above reasons). If you use a client that is not on the allowed clients list, I highly recommend switching to one that is on the list. Some clients that are built for other servers may have issues or built in cheats (whether advertised or not) as a part of the client that can flag the anticheat. For example, Lunar client used to remove the client-side cps cap, giving players an unfair advantage. Now, lunar and badlion client are the most safe options to use, and I would reccomend switching to one of these clients as opposed to clients that may false ban, like forge or LabyMod.

Closing Thoughts
I am not hackusating anyone here, however I do believe that the vast majority of the recent ban-wave bans are not false, and were most likely closet cheaters, or people that are 'accidentally cheating' via one of the above methods. I believe the best thing to do is either buy an unban or admit to cheating, as you were more than likely cheating, whether you knew it or not. The morality of that is up for debate, but that is the way it is.
I recommend everybody to thoroughly review the Network Rules thread to ensure that they are not breaking any rules while playing the server, or using the forums.
I wish everybody a great day, and good luck getting unbanned to all of those caught in the ban waves. If you have any issues you would like to point out with this thread, or anything more to add on to what I have said, please do so in the replies <3

Great thread! Those are great tips on how not to get false banned!


Well-known member
Hello, I am making this thread in the wake of the recent ban waves on Invaded. This thread is a guide and PSA to everyone on some steps you can take to prevent yourself from being banned. I would like to preface this by saying that I am not an anti-cheat developer, nor do I know the slightest thing about the InvadedLands anti-cheat. I am simply making this thread to try and prevent bans using the knowledge I have.

Mouse Issues
One reason that can lead to bans is having a mouse that double/triple clicks. One of the most popular gaming mice, the glorious model o, is notorious for this. Even without macros set in the model o software, this mouse can double/triple click on its own with low debounce time. A great way to prevent this is by raising the debounce time within the software, or not taking your finger off the left click button when clicking, as fast, light taps are what causes double clicks to happen. This can apply to other mice that have a tendency to double click. I recommend everyone to research their mouse a bit to see if it has a tendency to double click, as this is a likely reason for bans.

Clicking Methods

An increasingly popular clicking method known as drag clicking is not allowed on InvadedLands. Let me repeat that, DRAG CLICKING IS NOT ALLOWED ON INVADEDLANDS. I see many people online on KitPVP talk about how they can "Drag click 20cps" or whatnot. While many servers, such as hypixel allow drag clicking, InvadedLands does not allow it, as they consider it an unfair advantage. This has not always been the case, as the rules updated in September to make drag clicking bannable. I believe many people are banned by the anticheat, and don't even realize they were breaking a rule. If you drag click, I highly recommend you stop, and stick to a safer clicking method like butterfly or jitter clicking.

Some mods are known to flag the anticheat, these can be avoided by sticking to mods which can be found in The Allowed mods/clients thread. I would not reccomend using ANY mod that is not on this list. Even if it is part of a client you are using. Mods like this, even if they don't make a notable change in-game, may flag the anti-cheat. An example of this was Skyblock Addons, a mod for hypixel skyblock that somehow flagged the anticheat and caused false bans. There could be many unknown examples of this, so I highly reccomend clearing your mods folder, and making sure that the mods you have enabled are all on the list above. I have a friend named BlitzDuelz that was banned on Invaded multiple times for a random mod in his folder, it is worth a look.

The majority of Invaded players use Lunar client, this client is safe for the most part, and rarely causes false bans, however they still do occur (Usually for one of the above reasons). If you use a client that is not on the allowed clients list, I highly recommend switching to one that is on the list. Some clients that are built for other servers may have issues or built in cheats (whether advertised or not) as a part of the client that can flag the anticheat. For example, Lunar client used to remove the client-side cps cap, giving players an unfair advantage. Now, lunar and badlion client are the most safe options to use, and I would reccomend switching to one of these clients as opposed to clients that may false ban, like forge or LabyMod.

Closing Thoughts
I am not hackusating anyone here, however I do believe that the vast majority of the recent ban-wave bans are not false, and were most likely closet cheaters, or people that are 'accidentally cheating' via one of the above methods. I believe the best thing to do is either buy an unban or admit to cheating, as you were more than likely cheating, whether you knew it or not. The morality of that is up for debate, but that is the way it is.
I recommend everybody to thoroughly review the Network Rules thread to ensure that they are not breaking any rules while playing the server, or using the forums.
I wish everybody a great day, and good luck getting unbanned to all of those caught in the ban waves. If you have any issues you would like to point out with this thread, or anything more to add on to what I have said, please do so in the replies <3

why tf arent u a mod yet?


Active member
Hello, I am making this thread in the wake of the recent ban waves on Invaded. This thread is a guide and PSA to everyone on some steps you can take to prevent yourself from being banned. I would like to preface this by saying that I am not an anti-cheat developer, nor do I know the slightest thing about the InvadedLands anti-cheat. I am simply making this thread to try and prevent bans using the knowledge I have.

Mouse Issues
One reason that can lead to bans is having a mouse that double/triple clicks. One of the most popular gaming mice, the glorious model o, is notorious for this. Even without macros set in the model o software, this mouse can double/triple click on its own with low debounce time. A great way to prevent this is by raising the debounce time within the software, or not taking your finger off the left click button when clicking, as fast, light taps are what causes double clicks to happen. This can apply to other mice that have a tendency to double click. I recommend everyone to research their mouse a bit to see if it has a tendency to double click, as this is a likely reason for bans.

Clicking Methods

An increasingly popular clicking method known as drag clicking is not allowed on InvadedLands. Let me repeat that, DRAG CLICKING IS NOT ALLOWED ON INVADEDLANDS. I see many people online on KitPVP talk about how they can "Drag click 20cps" or whatnot. While many servers, such as hypixel allow drag clicking, InvadedLands does not allow it, as they consider it an unfair advantage. This has not always been the case, as the rules updated in September to make drag clicking bannable. I believe many people are banned by the anticheat, and don't even realize they were breaking a rule. If you drag click, I highly recommend you stop, and stick to a safer clicking method like butterfly or jitter clicking.

Some mods are known to flag the anticheat, these can be avoided by sticking to mods which can be found in The Allowed mods/clients thread. I would not reccomend using ANY mod that is not on this list. Even if it is part of a client you are using. Mods like this, even if they don't make a notable change in-game, may flag the anti-cheat. An example of this was Skyblock Addons, a mod for hypixel skyblock that somehow flagged the anticheat and caused false bans. There could be many unknown examples of this, so I highly reccomend clearing your mods folder, and making sure that the mods you have enabled are all on the list above. I have a friend named BlitzDuelz that was banned on Invaded multiple times for a random mod in his folder, it is worth a look.

The majority of Invaded players use Lunar client, this client is safe for the most part, and rarely causes false bans, however they still do occur (Usually for one of the above reasons). If you use a client that is not on the allowed clients list, I highly recommend switching to one that is on the list. Some clients that are built for other servers may have issues or built in cheats (whether advertised or not) as a part of the client that can flag the anticheat. For example, Lunar client used to remove the client-side cps cap, giving players an unfair advantage. Now, lunar and badlion client are the most safe options to use, and I would reccomend switching to one of these clients as opposed to clients that may false ban, like forge or LabyMod.

Closing Thoughts
I am not hackusating anyone here, however I do believe that the vast majority of the recent ban-wave bans are not false, and were most likely closet cheaters, or people that are 'accidentally cheating' via one of the above methods. I believe the best thing to do is either buy an unban or admit to cheating, as you were more than likely cheating, whether you knew it or not. The morality of that is up for debate, but that is the way it is.
I recommend everybody to thoroughly review the Network Rules thread to ensure that they are not breaking any rules while playing the server, or using the forums.
I wish everybody a great day, and good luck getting unbanned to all of those caught in the ban waves. If you have any issues you would like to point out with this thread, or anything more to add on to what I have said, please do so in the replies <3

ty tho i might not need it its great for other people :D
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